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High-tech Maintenance Services for Electrical Equipment
Thermal imaging service is a modern technology that uses infrared imaging in assisting with maintaining electrical devices. Maintenance companies deploy this technology to scan devices, such as switchboards, for preventive maintenance and commissioning. The technique deals with thermal scanning of electrical devices including transformers, high-voltage and low-voltage equipment, MCB devices, electrical motors, and heavy current or transmission lines. Thermal imaging services are also available for switchgears, bearings, plant equipment, and gearboxes. The major customers for this technology include hotels, shopping centers, large buildings (government and private), hospitals, and corporations. Besides thermal scanning of electrical devices, this technology is also being used in searching for nuisance creatures such rodents, insects, and white ants. There are new thermal imaging devices used deploying the most recent technology in the field. Thermal scanning equipment is designed for modern day use, and it is highly sensitive to give accurate and reliable results when it is operated by a trained professional operator.
Through thermal scanning technology, preventive maintenance services of electrical equipment are readily available that can be cost effective and prevent costly destructive and invasive structural work. The thermal scan converts radiations (heat) from the surface of equipment into impulses of electricity, which are reported in terms of contour maps by the equipment. This service for maintenance and diagnosis of failure uses the principle that electrical devices emit heat when they have design or operation problems. The thermal scanning equipment detects the heat and publishes information for interpretation. It is usually important to ensure your equipment is inspected frequently in accordance with the manufacturer s manual. In this way, the problems of your equipment can be diagnosed before failures and breakdowns occur.
Companies dealing with high-voltage equipment, such as electrical transmitters, hospital generators, and power generating companies will find this service an important technique for preventive maintenance. Through this service, your equipment can be inspected for several problems including overloads, faulty switches, loose electrical connections, and imbalances in circuits. Detection of these faults gives an indication of a breakdown, which can be very costly to fix. There are technically sound experts, with extensive experience in thermal imaging and committed to quality assurance and providing onsite feedback to clients on the condition of their equipment. This equipment relays information from the site to the engineer who makes an accurate interpretation of the results. In fact, with this equipment, the companies and experts provide visual representation and quantification of the danger of the fault. As such, thermal imaging service provides the client with the period and methodology for correction of the fault so that it can be repaired before major damage or equipment failure occurs.
Finally, through these services, the service provider provides the history of customers equipment in the form of a report (both in hard and soft copies). Therefore, if you possess high or low voltage electrical devices and transformers in your organization, you should contact a service provider today for preventive maintenance services to head off any future breakdowns.
Janine Brito is expert Author for this article. I am a professional writer with interests in web marketing ideas. I specially write about
thermal imaging service
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