Belly Dance Lessons &Amp; The Internet




There is no doubt that Internet video has completely altered the world of belly dance lessons and belly dance learning. It is almost inconceivable to remember how we learned of other belly dancers, not to mention the incredible stars of the great age of belly dance.

My belly dance learning, other than my teacher Sausan, was from the wonderful U.S. publication titled “The Belly Dance Book”, edited by Tazz Richards. This publication actually had images of Taheia Carioke and Samia Gamal; for me, this was beyond compare.


Can you imagine my excitement when it became possible to simply “Google” these names and watch the moves. Access to belly dance performance lessons and tuition videos not only democratises the belly dance scene, it also poses some interesting questions. The first one that comes to mind is how is it that not every gifted performer or popular belly dancer has got an Internet site. Do these performerslack the drive, Internet entrepreneurship or business acumen to gain this lastest global medium?

One case in point, for many years Dina of Egypt has been accepted as the number one Cairo belly dancer, yet her dances are only made available to other belly dancers from phone cameras created in badly lit nightclubs. There is no web presence nor even short trailers to entice us to pay for any professionally shot belly dance material. Again, maybe the fame Dina has is is all she wants, however, I often think what advice she has received about the fact that many people are gaining from her exceptional skill. Does Dina realise that other people are getting rich financially from the views their Youtube channels pull by using her trademark name.

As well as Dina, there are other dancers such as Sadie and Aziza who have gained fame and probably money through having the additional benefit of stunning films, tribes of Internet fans worldwide and access to market their latest DVD or belly dance lessons.

The second question is does having easy access to our bellydance heroins take away from their mystique? When we look at Aziza in teaching mode and then if we are lucky enough to see her in the flesh, it is actually more wonderful. My contention is that the flat screen medium of the lcomputer can never do justice to a live performance. She is, however, a belly dancer who has gained followers and prestige through good web based business.

To end, there are many of us who wish to find with others online and also desire to put our dancing out there. For some, the Internet is a non commital medium to be utilised for watching, buying and occasional leaving posts. It makes me feel sad, whether it’s misguided or not that many of our greatest bellydancers may have missed the boat on this one. You can bet your bottom Dollar that some around the world are most certainly reaping the profits.

Maysa Dancer is an belly dance teacher and writes articles on several subjects centred around bellydance. You can find out more about Maysa at

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